Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category


Bad Website

Bad Website

Website for a company that actually does website design, but it uses a lot of the same color (green), splits things up in confusing ways, and in general just doesn’t have the look of a professionally designed website.




Good Photo. Clear 3 on 1, shows overpowering of the criminal, well-timed photo of the man being stunned.


Bad Photo. It looks like he’s actually holding it this way, but it’s just because he’s moving it.


Oscars Page

I liked this page from Fairbanks, Alaska because it took something as broad and global as the Oscars and localized it right from the front page. It focused on a local actor, and I also liked the clean look of the front page. It was also good to incorporate the award into the headline area. There is also some Gestalt involved with the similarity in the headline words.


Type as Art


I liked this example of text as art because it is simple but full of impact on the meaning of the story. It also, in a way, leads the reader down the page as the books are flying off the shelves. I like the effect the T has on the story, because as a story about colleges and education, the bookshelf works very well, and as a story about the disorganization and lack of meaning within these institutions, the books flying off the shelf and flowing down the page work well also. This type as art is very good because it is a glimpse itself into what the story will be about.


Page Without Art


This page interested me because I thought it was a clever design for a newspaper’s last issue, to have the first ever issue as the background of the first page. It is done without art, simply laying a letter from the current times over an image of the very first edition of the paper. It is simple and understated, but makes a big impact, especially I can imagine, on somebody who would have been a frequent reader of this paper at the time it went out of business. I like the way it’s broken up, with the letter to the readers looking very modern and professional compared to the old print backdrop. Also upon reading the letter it is a good way to say goodbye to generations of readers.


Super Bowl Front Pages

ImageImageFor an event like the Super Bowl I like these magazine-like full-color covers. The Super Bowl is meant to be a celebrated event, something that across the country is important to many people, and that can’t always be easily reflected in a normal news-type front page. Although the State of the Union is of greater national important (arguably), it’s a much more somber and serious occasion than the Super Bowl. People don’t have parties to watch the State of the Union, but it’s almost impossible to walk down the street without seeing a Super Bowl party. In my opinion a front page should reflect this, and these two here do very well.

            It was also interesting, looking on’s front page section, that almost every newspaper listed ran a front page involving the Super Bowl. It was almost impossible to find one that didn’t have a large picture from the Super Bowl on the front cover. I particularly like the one from the Phildelphia Daily News because of the word play at work in the main headline. I’m not entirely sure that, especially in areas surrounding the teams that played, there even needs to be print stories on the front page. Obviously for these areas the Super Bowl was yesterday’s most important event, and that is reflected in many of their covers.


Headline State of the Union 2012

Obama continues focus on economy in State of the Union
President looks to return U.S. to prosperity in 2012 and beyond


Toronto Star Flag


I found this flag of the Toronto Star on, and thought it was a good example of an eye-catching and visually attractive flag. It doesn’t really take anything away from the paper itself, but it highlights the name of the newspaper, and the city as well. I like this design over a plain black font design. A black font design simply printed at the top of the page often to me looks like a headline or section heading as opposed to the name of the paper itself. This design catches the eye with its blue background, and immediately signifies that part of the page as an important one. It is also, as shown in the picture, keeping in tradition with the past versions of the Toronto Star, in the shape of the flag. This is also important because it creates a brand name association, and a familiarity with a particular design. It shows readers that this is the same Toronto Star they may have read years earlier.


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